
Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 3 weigh in

Week 3 weigh in = 3lbs LOST!!!!!!!! 
                                     15lbs lost total    
                                        85lbs to go!

This weigh in kind of hit home for me. I am working my ass off and eating healthier than ever and I go to weigh myself and only have lost 3 lbs? Really? WHAT? That's not fair! 7 the first week. 5 the second week and now 3? That's not gonna work for me. 

I broke down. I started crying to Lee. He had no idea why I was crying so much. I told him how hard I'm working and how healthy I've become. All my hard work only to lose 3 pounds? It's not fair. All the stress of working out and watching everyone around me eating whatever they want without a care in the world made me so sad. And here I am eating turkey burgers and broccoli and fruits and veggies and nasty cereal that's supposed to be good for you but it tastes like stale butt JUST SUCKS. Lee has to bring me back to reality and tell me that I lost weight! I didn't gain anything. I'm doing everything right and I'm on the right track.

And on the other hand, healthier foods are becoming much more delicious than they were in the beginning. I have found a new found love for avacados. I put them on everything. It's so delicious. And hard boiled eggs. I think I'm going to get sick of them soon but right now they are SO darn good, especially in my salad. 

Another thing I've caught myself doing is weighing myself like 8 times a day. It's getting really bad. It's like I'm addicted to weighing myself. Of course I weigh myself as soon as I wake up, then again after a work out and then after I eat, and then after I use the bathroom... So I told Lee to hide the scale. I'm so tired of my day revolving around the scale when in reality, I should be stepping on the scale once a week. And that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to start weighing myself every Saturday instead because Sunday's seem to be my "splurge" day. Not that I'm splurging, but I am eating dinner with my whole family and that seems to be my downfall. 

I have to realize that I'm doing really well in my workout.  I have to keep telling myself that I'm doing GREAT and that whatever I lose that week is a loss and not a gain. I'm working toward a goal of losing 100 pounds and most healthy people lose only 1-2 pounds per week. I'm going to get so excited once I hit that 20 pound mark. I can't wait for that. :)

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