
Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 3 of weight loss

I wake up PUMPED to work out. I hope I never lose this feeling. 

I'm so motivated to lose weight and it's all because of me.

Today, I woke up sore, but still motivated to work out. As I began my workout with Jillian, I felt the routine coming natural and my breath was becoming steadier. I'm still having quite a difficult time with the leg exercises because of my knees, but I hope as I lose weight, my knees will become stronger. For some reason, I'm not sweating as much as I'd like. (Yes, I grade my workout on my amount of sweat) I was still incredibly sore after my workout today, which means that I'm still doing something right and this workout is still affecting me. As of right now, the inside of my thighs and my abs hurt. Well, the fat covering my abs hurt lol.

I also began Weight Watchers yesterday. I'm going to try to incorporate every weight loss trick out there. Eating healthy, working out, cutting soda out completely and whatever else I can find. I want to try out Shakeology or head over to the Nutrition Store to see if there's pills or drinks or whatever else will help me lose weight. With all this water I'm drinking, it fills me up so quickly before I eat so I'm not eating as much.

There's only one flaw in my weight loss plans and that's eating late. Lee and I are so used to eating 8 or 9 o clock at night because we're not even hungry yet. So, we're going to have to try really hard to eat dinner at a normal time like normal families. 

I'm also doing a really great job not weighing myself everyday. I want to be shocked when I step on the scale next Monday. I want to cry because of all the hard work I'm doing and it's all because of me. Not because of some lame ass ex husband that told me he would leave me if I didn't get skinny. Nope! It's all because of me because I did it! I can't wait to do Insanity or Beach Body after Jillian Michaels. Hopefully I will be strong enough physically to handle that sort of workout. Even if I'm not, at least I'll still be trying. There really is no excuse anymore. I'm doing this and I'm going to rock it! I know I'm stubborn and I'll show myself that I'm worth all this effort. 

I'm also super excited to track my progress. I know that I'm going to thank myself in the end for doing it so I can be an inspiration to other people who want to lose weight. :)

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